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Multilingual Corpus of Second Language Speech

How to Access MuSSel

The Multilingual Corpus of Second Language Speech (MuSSeL) is being developed by researchers at the University of Utah’s Second Language Teaching & Research Center. It provides researchers and teachers with an unprecedentedly large and varied set of transcribed and tagged L2 speech samples as well as access to the original MP3 recordings.

When complete, the corpus will include samples from three learning contexts (child classroom immersion, adult classroom, adult immersive) across six languages: Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. For each speech sample, a user can listen to the audio file and access both a basic transcription and a transcription tagged according to CHAT protocols established by CHILDES (MacWhinney, 2000). These latter transcripts can be used to run various analyses in CLAN. All samples come from testing situations (ACTFL Assessment of Performance toward Proficiency in Languages (AAPPL) online tool in the case of child samples and ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview by computer (OPIc) for adult samples).

The corpus is searchable using various filters, e.g., age, gender, language, learning context, topic. Because the samples come from testing, each has been independently rated and samples can also be searched by proficiency rating.


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Register for MuSSeL


Choose Access Level

Allows users to open individual speech samples (MP3 and TXT) in a web browser. Users won't be able to download the corpus for linguistic analyses. Temporary Online Access will automatically terminate three months after the registration date.

Required Materials:

  • Upload a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
  • Project Description for Temporary Access
    • Provide a brief description of your project, specifically focusing on how your project intends to explore second language development with the use of MuSSeL (100-300 words).

Allows users to download the whole corpus for offline use. Users are required to show proof of IRB approval or exemption to receive full offline access. Online Access to the corpus will expire on the expected project completion date unless you request an extension.

Required Materials:

  • Upload a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
  • Project Description for Full Access
    • Provide a concise yet detailed description of your research purpose, specifically focusing on how your project intends to explore second language development with the use of MuSSeL. Emphasize how the anticipated outcomes will contribute to the field of second language learning and/or teaching (200-500 words).
  • Expected Project Completion Date
    • Please be aware that your online access to the corpus files is set to expire on the date you have chosen. Should you require continued access beyond this date, you must submit a request for an extension.
  • Proof of IRB Approval or Exemption for Full Access
    • Please submit a PDF copy of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval or exemption document. For guidance on the application process for IRB approval, click here



Fill Out Database

Link to Registration Form

NOTICE: You must prepare the required materials for the desired access level listed in Step 1 before filling out the form.


Sign a Material Transfer Agreement

Only for Non-UofU Affiliates


Last Updated: 4/3/24