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Bridge Language Course Descriptions and Syllabi







Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2022-23, 2025-26

Course Title: Spanish Pop Culture: Film, Media and Entertainment  (03-07-00-13-065)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Spanish AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11

Course Description:  This course considers the role that current film, media, and entertainment play in the Spanish-speaking world. Students in this course will be exposed to the historical and cultural perspectives presented through these media. Students will utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) in order to speak and write in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in writing and discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues.

Span 3116 Syllabus

Span 3116: Year at a glance, texts & unit projects

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2023-24, 2026-27

Course Title: Breaking Down Walls, Building Identities (03-07-00-13-066)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Spanish AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11

Course Description: This course considers how critical moments of change in the Spanish-speaking world have shaped the present by building new identities. By the end of this course, students will be able to discuss familiar topics as well as some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. Students will utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) in order to speak and write in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues.

Span 3117 Syllabus

Span 3117: Year at a glance, texts & unit projects

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2024-25, 2027-28

Course Title: Literature and Film: Contemporary Issues - (03-07-00-13-067)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Spanish AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11.

Course Description: In this course, students will critically analyze and interpret works of literature and film in Spanish to explore contemporary societal issues.  Students will utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) in order to speak and write in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in writing and discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues. 

Span 3118: Year at a glance, texts & unit projects


Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2022-23, 2025-26

French Course Title: Adventure and Discovery: Journey in the Francophone Worlds (Aventures et Découvertes: Voyages à travers les mondes français et francophones) - (03-03-00-13-066)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: French AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11

Course description: The themes of discovery and adventure can be found in many cultural artifacts and literature in the French and Francophone worlds. Students will explore themes of discovery, adventure and journey in the French and Francophone worlds through the prism of the fine arts, history, music, texts, film, and other areas. Students will be exposed to a variety of approaches such as project-based instruction, class discussion, and reaction papers

Syllabus French 3116

Year at a glance


3116 Resources

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2023-24, 2026-27

Projected French Course Title: Francophonie: Past, Present, & Future - (03-03-00-13-067) 

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: French AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11

Course description:  The themes of coming of age, rite of passage, and education can be found in all cultural artifacts and literatures in the French and Francophone world. Students will compare and contrast those themes with their own culture, and with French and Francophone cultures. This will be explored through the prism of the fine arts, history, music, texts, film, and other areas. Students will be exposed to a variety of approaches such as project-based instruction, class discussion, and reaction papers. 

Syllabus French 3117

Year at a glance


3117 Resources

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2024-25, 2027-28

Course Title: Paris, Ville des Lumières [Paris, City of Lights] - (03-03-00-13-065)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: French 3118, 3 credits

Prerequisite: French AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11

Course description: Paris is the center of French and Francophone identity and culture. Students will explore the City of Lights through the prism of important themes including but not limited to the arts, history, commerce, technology, sports, etc. Students will engage these themes through a variety of approaches such as project based instruction, class discussion, and reaction papers.

Syllabus French 3118

Year at a glance




Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2022-23, 2025-26

Course Title: Exploring China: Past, Present, and YOU - (03-02-00-13-066)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Chinese AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course description: This course explores Chinese history and traditional cultural values, and connects their influences on the modern Chinese-speaking world. Students will utilize knowledge and language skills learned from the class to understand and discuss both ancient and modern Chinese culture and society. The language proficiency goals for this course are: use interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) to discuss familiar topics as well as some concrete social, academic, and professional topics; speak and write with some detail and in an organized way about events and experiences; and share their points of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues.  

Chin 3116 Syllabus

Chin 3116 Pacing Guide including texts

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2023-24, 2026-27

Course Title:  Chinese Legacies: Tradition & Modernity - (03-02-00-13-067) 

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Chinese AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course description: This course explores the impact of traditional Chinese legacy on the formation and transformation of modern Chinese cultural identity. Students will have opportunities to use the knowledge learned in the course to interpret and negotiate various challenges and issues that they confront in their interaction with the Chinese language and culture.  

Chin 3117 Syllabus

Chin 3117 Texts

Chin 3117 Pacing Guide with Unit Assess

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2024-25, 2027-28

Course Title: Chinese Pop Culture - (03-02-00-13-065)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Chinese AP Language and Culture exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course description: This course considers the role that current media and entertainment play in the Chinese-speaking world. Students in this course will be exposed to the historical and cultural perspectives presented through these media. By the end of this course, students will be able to listen to, read, and discuss familiar topics as well as some concrete social, academic, and professional topics. Students will utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) in order to converse freely about themselves, speak with some detail and in an organized way about events and experiences, and share their point of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues. Student will be able to write to convey personal meaning and have partial ability to write narrative descriptions and summaries.

Chin 3118 Syllabus

Chin 3118 Pacing Guide including texts

Chin 3118 Material and Resources



Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2022-23, 2025-26

Course Title:Navigating Identities of the Portuguese-speaking World(03-25-00-13-065)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Portuguese NEWL exam score of 3 or higher, NEWL exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course DescriptionIn this course students investigate the themes of travel, navigation, and cross-cultural encounters throughout today’s Portuguese-speaking world. Through the study of cultural artifacts, students will explore the ways cultural encounters contribute to our identity and transform or change us and our understanding of others. Students will develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills as they read and view authentic texts and learn to speak and write in a detailed, organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, confidently handle routine situations with unexpected complications, and share their point of view in writing and discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues. (This course is 1 of 3 courses offered through the Utah Bridge Program for Portuguese, with 1 course offered per academic year.)

Port 3116 Syllabus

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2023-24, 2026-27

Course Title: Cultural Issues Through Literature & Film (03-25-00-13-066)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Portuguese NEWL exam score of 3 or higher, exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course Description: :  In this course students will analyze and interpret works of literature and film in the Portuguese-speaking world to explore cultural issues. Students will develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational communication skills as they read and view authentic texts and learn to speak and write in a detailed, organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, confidently handle routine situations with unexpected complications, and share their point of view in writing and discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues. 

Port 3117 Syllabus

Port 3117 Materials and Unit Projects

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2024-25, 2027-28

Course Title: Pop Culture of the Portuguese-Speaking World (03-25-00-13-067)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: Portuguese NEWL exam score of 3 or higher, exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course Description: This course explores ways that popular media and entertainment reflect and shape how Portuguese speakers view themselves, their community, and their own and other cultures. Students will be introduced to the historical contexts and perspectives of popular media as cultural products and practices. Students will utilize interpretive communication skills (listening and reading) in order to speak and write in a detailed and organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in writing and discussions on complex cultural and historical issues. 

Port 3118 Materials and Unit Projects


Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2022-23, 2025-26

Course Title: Popular Culture in the German Speaking World

USBE High School Course Code: 03-04-00-13-066 (German 3116)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: German AP exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course Description: This course examines how German speakers view themselves and their communities, exploring music, festivals, sports, entertainment, popular stories and fairytales. Students analyze a variety of viewpoints and learn how global and migratory perspectives shape German cultures and identities, comparing them to their own culture.

Proficiency goals: Students will be able to talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues.

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2023-24, 2026-27 (#)

Course Title: Stories & Storytelling: Young Voices & Cultural Identity

USBE High School Course Code: 03-04-00-13-067 (German 3117)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: German AP exam score of 3 or higher, exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course DescriptionStudents will analyze and interpret works of literature, film, and popular media in German-speaking cultures to explore how young people see the world. Students will explore historical and contemporary issues relating to youth.

Proficiency goals: Students will be able to talk in detail and in an organized way about events and experiences in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues.

Germ 3117 Syllabus

Germ 3117 U1 Assessment Guide

Germ 3117 U2 Assessment Guide

Germ 3117 U3 Assessment Guide

Germ 3117 U4 Assessment Guide

Germ 3117 Scope and Sequence

Grades: 10-12

Offered on 3-year rotation: 2024-25, 2027-28

Course Title: Berlin-Germany's Every-Changing Capital

USBE High School Course Code: 03-04-00-13-065 (German 3118)

HS: 1.0 credit

Utah Higher Education: 3 credits

Prerequisite: German AP exam score of 3 or higher, AP exam taken in grade 9-11 (Enrollment cap: 30)

Course Description: Students will analyze and examine aspects of Berlin’s history and culture as they have unfolded over the past three centuries. Students will explore and interpret works of literature, film, architecture, visual arts, and popular media that depict the changing role of Berlin in German culture and politics. Students will learn about the people who lived through these histories and come to understand the experiences that shaped them. 

Proficiency goals: Students will be able to talk in detail and in an organized way about events and developments in various time frames, to confidently handle routine situations with an unexpected complication, and to share their point of view in discussions on some complex cultural and historical issues in connection with Berlin. 

Germ 3118 Course Framework



Last Updated: 1/23/25