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Utah French Professor, Anne Lair, Interviewed by French Morning  for University of Utah's Dual Language Immersion Program

In episode 4 of the podcast "Bilingual Revolution", Fabrice Jaumont highlights Utah as an example of empowering global citizenship.

January 28, 2019

In “Bilingual Revolution” Fabrice Jaumont and Dr. Anne Lair discuss the State of Utah's launch of a policy developing bilingual immersion programs. Across Utah, 225 schools now teach half the time in a language other than English. Spanish and Chinese are in the lead, but there are also thirty-one schools in French.

Anne Lair is the coordinator of the high school / university immersion program (Bridge Program) for the state of Utah. It tells how and why Utah decided to empower itself to train global citizens.


Last Updated: 8/1/22