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Planning for Project Based Language Learning Workshop

This onsite five-day institute, featuring a two-day weekend break, is designed for world language educators who have some knowledge of Project-Based Learning (PBL) as well as some practice in generating project ideas. During the Institute, participants will flesh out their ideas for a project design they have already subjected to critique.

Applicants must complete the prerequisite NFLRC MOOC (massive open online course) Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning and earn a badge in order to qualify for consideration for the Institute.

Participants who fulfill requirements outlined in an associated course syllabus may opt to receive two (2) graduate course credits (tuition fee).

The summer institute will be held at the University of Utah, located in Salt Lake City, Utah, and will be co-sponsored and co-organized by L2TReC and the National Foreign Language Resource Center


Among the learning outcomes targeted in this Institute are the following:

  • develop and outline a contextualized project-based language learning task
  • foster language proficiency development through appropriate communicative events embedded in project-based language learning experiences
  • employ effective scaffolding strategies for language, content, interactions, processproduct, and use of technology
  • design and implement effective assessments for project-based tasks
  • use appropriate technology for supporting project-based language learning, e.g. for:
    • locating project partners and culturally authentic materials
    • gathering relevant content-related resources
    • facilitating student collaboration and engaging learners in communicating with communities of target language speakers
    • providing formative feedback
    • sharing student work with authentic audiences
    • supporting professional growth



Wednesday, June 10 - Tuesday, June 16, 2019




Maximum number: 25


Prior to applying for the summer institute, interested teachers will need to take the Envisioning PBLL MOOC (massive open online course), where they will develop their project ideas and their product squares, and complete their digital badge. They will have an accelerated timeline to complete their badge, so they can apply for the summer institute in time.


nflrc_thumbnail_squareL2TREC LOGO


Last Updated: 4/20/21