Data Visualizations for Statewide K-12 Dual Language Immersion and Bridge Programs Launched
As part of an ongoing relationship between L2TReC and the MSIS Capstone Program at the David Eccles School of Business, L2TReC sponsored their third capstone team in 2023.
This newest launch culminated in multiple data visualizations representing students that enrolled in a K-12 dual language immersion (DLI) or Bridge language course, and their subsequent umbrella universities, from fall 2012 thorugh fall 2022.
The MSIS capstone program allows students to gain in-depth experience in key areas of business and technology. Projects were presented at the end of the Summer 2023 Semester at the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building.
Bridge Language Program University Specific K-12 Enrollment Dashboard

Lizzy Taylor - L2TReC Sponsored Capstone Team Project Manager

Prajakta Amate - L2TReC Sponsored Capstone Team Data Analyst

Sumer Patil - L2TReC Sponsored Capstone Team Data Analyst
The Bridge Program is a Partnership Between Utah's K-12 and Higher Education Systems
As a part of higher education’s partnership with USBE to offer early college Concurrent Enrollment credit, the Utah Bridge Program focus is centered on supporting access to bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural citizenship, and meeting each student’s potential in college pathways.
Sponsorhip Team:
Fernando Rubio, Ph.D., L2TReC Sponsor
Darby Bailey McDonough, Ph.D. (ABD), L2TReC Sponsor Project Lead
To view prior L2TReC data visualizations developed in partnership with the David Eccles
Business School MSIS Capstone Team Program:
Year 1:
Utah's Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program geographical mapping data visualization
Year 2:
University of Utah Student Bridge Language Program Enrollments and Major Pathways