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Summer French Language Teacher Workshop

Date: June 10-13, 2024

Location: University of Utah Campus, LNCO 1945

Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily

Registration Cost: $95

Faculty: Dr. Anne V. Lair (University of Utah) and Mme Michèle Harward (Canyons School District)

Venez passer quatre jours en français avec nous! 

Nous reverrons les standards culturels ACTFL-NCSSFL pour que vous les appliquiez à vos leçons. On verra comment utiliser l’Intelligence Artificielle pour rédiger des leçons et des textes. Et puis on mettra un peu de grammaire, d’écriture et de culture dans notre répertoire. Pourquoi pas les Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024. Comme d’habitude nous répondrons à vos questions. N’oubliez pas d’apporter vos manuels et les leçons que vous aimeriez retoucher. 

Come spend four days in French with us!

We will review the ACTFL-NCSSFL cultural standards for you to apply to your lessons. We will see how to use Artificial Intelligence to write lessons and texts. And then we will have a little bit of grammar, writing and culture into our repertoire. Why not the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. As usual we will answer your questions. Don’t forget to bring your textbooks and any lessons you would like to touch up.

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French Teacher Workshop

June 10-13, 2024




Workshop fee: $95


The Summer Teacher Workshops are university content workshops, taught in the target language, for all K-12 language teachers. Workshops are designed for adults to engage in deeper cultural learning and in language practice. 


Co-sponsored by the Department of World Languages and Cultures.


Co-sponsored by L2TReC


Last Updated: 4/9/24