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Harnessing MuSSel: Understanding the Teaching and Research Potential of a Spoken Russian Learner Corpus

L2TReC Researchers Present at 2024 AATSEEL Conference

L2TReC's Postdoctoral Research Associate, Elnaz Kia and Research Assistant Lynn Ricks presented at the 2024 American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Conference (AATSEEL), February 15-18 in Las Vegas. AATSEEL is centered around the various communicative aspects of the Russian language and Slavic culture.  

Serving as an opportunity for Russian linguists, teachers and scholars to gather together and discuss the recent progress of language corpora, Kia and Ricks presented their research on one of the few developing Russian learner corpora: The Multilingual Corpus of Second Language Speech, or, MuSSeL. In their proposal, "Harnessing MuSSeL: Understanding the Teaching and Research Potential of a Spoken Russian Learner Corpus", Kia and Ricks discuss learner corpus research and how beneficial it has been as a resource for analyzing language development.




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American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL)

The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) was established in 1941 and officially became a non-profit organization in 1948. Its mission is to promote and enhance the study and teaching of Slavic and East European languages, literatures, and cultures at all levels of education, from elementary to graduate studies. The association organizes an annual conference each February and issues the Slavic and East European Journal quarterly.




Last Updated: 2/13/25